Not known Facts About Termite Control Methods Ppt

All About Termite Control Methods

The ACCC recognised that by abiding by the standards set out in the Codes, Pest Managers and Termite System Management Installers who opt to be bound by these Codes are required to satisfy certain levels of practical experience and education in termite management practices in order to be a signatory to those codes. .

AEPMA Codes of Practice set out industry standards of conduct. They are guidelines for honest dealing between Pest Managers and their customers and they outline what a client can expect from a pest management company, when they agree to engage its own services.

Establishing an independent procedure for assisting clients and professional pest managers to solve any complaints or disputes Which May arise as a result of a termite management service; and

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People, businesses and organisations that sign up to those Codes of Practice commit to following and complying with the Codes objectives, best practice requirements and stipulations.

Features, benefits, and limitations of currently enrolled systems, techniques, products, and, technologies for managing termites when constructing a new residence or in an existing building or structures; and,

Finest practice (ground rules) governing how such systems, techniques, products, and, technologies should best be commissioned, applied and/or installed.

A 2012 Industry Research commissioned by AEPMA estimated that the cost of treatment and repair of harm to be approximately $10,000 per home. A 2003 poll by Archicentre (the Building Advisory Service branch of the Royal Institute of Architects) estimated that 650,000 Australian homes had become infested with termites over the last five years.

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Termites are an increasing problem in Australia. Specifically risk levels in houses are rising as construction of the majority of homes since the 1960s has been of a greater risk kind due to using concrete slabs with little clearance in the ground and the usage of soft wood timber for framing.

To most people, their most important asset is their home and it is therefore important that termite protection remain a priority for each home owner. .

In September 2017, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) granted basics authorisation to the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA) in respect of principles of practice for termite management.

The ACCC recognised that by abiding by the standards set out in the Codes, pest managers that chose to become bound by the codes were required to meet certain you can find out more levels of practical experience and education in termite management practices in order to be a signatory to those codes.

The Of Termite Control Methods

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) promotes competition and fair trades in markets to the benefit of consumers, businesses and the community. The ACCC is an independent commonwealth statutory authority whose role is to enforce the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and a range of additional legislation promoting competition, fair trading and regulating national infrastructure for the benefit of Australians.

For further questions or enquiries regarding the ACCC, please refer to their own website at .

A code of practice sets out industry standards of conduct. They're guidelines for dealing between you and pest controllers and they let consumers know what businesses agree to in dealing with them. The codes of practice which have been lodged with AEPMA would be to represent the whole of industry.

The Code has been drawn up by an expert technical committee and sets out the current best actions to take in dealing with termites. The principles of practice are revised to ensure they are technically appropriate and set out the best options for dealing with termites in Australia.

Not known Details About Termite Control Methods

Yes of course. One of the reasons why the ACCC granted authorisation to the industry codes of practice was that previously, consumers were required to buy duplicates of the Australian Standards to see that the minimum requirements necessary in termite work. The codes of practice can be obtained free of charge and can be downloaded in the AEPMA website at

They can also be obtained from an accredited code of practice pest controller you need to ask! .

The codes set out dispute resolutions and disciplinary action which may be imposed in respect of a breach of the codes. Signatories to the codes have to agree to be bound by the dispute resolution process set out in the Codes. Codes signatories must have documented consumer complaints handling procedures which comply with the Australian Standards for Complaints Handling in Organisations (ASISO 1002/206).

Complaints which cannot be solved by the Code Compliance Manager are escalated to a Code Disciplinary Committee. .

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Suspend use of the Code until the party in question can demonstrate ongoing ability to comply with this Code.

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